The Endometriosis and Fertility Clinic

The Endometriosis and Fertility Clinic provides highly individualised treatment through nutritional counselling as your well-being is the most important element in the healing process.

You may attend privately or your doctor may wish to refer you to us, although the NHS does not pay for nutritional therapy some private health insurance companies do. After making an appointment you will see a nutritionist for one and a quarter hours. A questionnaire will be sent to you, which you need to complete and bring with you to the appointment. We offer appointments in London (mainly on a Monday).

One consultation costs £125.00 in London, for the hour and a quarter consultation. The only other costs will be in buying good food and, if necessary, a few supplements for short term support, whilst your nutrient intake from food is corrected. A follow-up consultation is £55.00 in London for half an hour. Normally three or four consultations are sufficient.

The healing team
If you decide to put your trust in nutrition our nutritionists will do their best to help you achieve your goal of wellness, be it pain relief or pregnancy (nutrition fits well alongside IVF treatments).

We will work together with you as a team, because there is nothing we like more than seeing our patients recover their health through natural means, when all else has failed. Finding your health again by the nutritional path requires perseverance for a few months of your life and we will do our very best to support you through this process.

You will find the Endometriosis and Fertility Clinic at


The Hale Clinic
4 Harley Street
London W1G 9PB
020 7631 0156 THURSDAYS:

East Sussex
BN27 3DD
01323 846888   For more information please email us